PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP)

PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) merupakan Kawasan Industri pertama terintegrasi di Indonesia yang diperuntukkan untuk memfasilitasi proses pengolahan mineral dan produksi komponen baterai kendaraan listrik. Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP).
Kawasan Industri Weda Bay dikembangkan di Weda, Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah, Propinsi Maluku Utara, Indonesia dan sudah memulai konstruksi sejak dilakukan upacara peletakan batu pertama di (Pilling Ceremony) di tahun 2018, yang dihadiri oleh Menteri Koordinator Ekonomi dan Maritim, Bapak Luhut Pandjaitan dan Menteri Perhubungan Bapak Budi Karya Sumadi dan sejumlah tokoh nasional dan tokoh masyarakat setempat diantaranya CEO PT Aneka Tambang, Gubernur Maluku Utara, Bupati Halmahera Tengah, Sultan Tidore, Kapolda Malut dan pastinya penduduk desa Weda yang sangat antusias berpartisipasi di acara tersebut. Konstruksi tahap pertama diharapkan akan siap untuk beroperasi pada Quarter 1 2020.
Kawasan Industri Weda Bay mempunyai visi dan misi untuk melakukan kegiatan industri yang berkelanjutan dan mengurangi emisi rumah kaca dengan berpedoman pada prinsip.
Lowongan Kerja PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) Terbaru
Saat ini Perusahaan memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Accoutning Staff
Responsibilities :
- Making journal entry and General Legder
- Preparing financial reports
- Reviewing Financial Statements
- Assisting audit process
- Liaise with HR Departement for payroll process
- Monitoring petty cash and loans
- Reviewing payment request process
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
- Fluent in Mandarin (read, writing and speaking)
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
- Required skill (s) : Financial report, PSAK, Ms Excel
- Placement Jakarta Assignment
2. Cashier
Responsibilities :
- Execute outgoing payment based on the schedule and ensure all approval and payment supporting documents are completed
- Provide periodically payment report and daily bank cash flow
- Filling
Requirements :
- Minimum 1 year experience in related field. Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Have mandarin skill
- Well organized and detail oriented
- Placement Jakarta Assignment
3. Legal Staff
Responsibilities :
- Drafting, Reviewing and Finalizing contract and agreement
- Conduct legal due diligence
- Conducting legal researching on the applicable laws and regulations
- Drafting legal memorandum on various legal issues related to Company’s business that may affect the company’s operation and compliance
- Performing and general corporate functions such as preparing documents for the establisment of new company, the amendment of company’s articles of association and company’s data (change of BOD and/or BOC) and preparing circular resulation, etc
- Processing company permit and license related to company’s business and its affiliated companies
- Ensuring all company license and permit are comply, available and well archived
- Communication with External legal counsels and/or lawyers, and manage relationship with Indonesia Government accordingly
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Law
- Fluency in English. Have mandarin skill will be preferred
- Have a minimum of 2 years experience in the related field, experience in mining companies and PMA, mining or construction field is preferred. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- Good knowledge in mining regulations and familiar with government regulations, especially ESDM and BKPM
- Able to work in a team, able to work independently
- Placement Jakarta Assignment
4. Export Specialist
Responsibilities :
- Liaise with export agency regarding the export process
- Communicate with PIC/vendor/client abroad regarding the shipping and/or export process
- Complete export documentation such as : invoice, L/C, PEB, B/L, insurance, PL, certificate etc
- Liaise with internal parties regarding the trade contract and its supporting documents
Requirements :
- Minimum 3 years experience in handling export process
- Good communication in English. Mandarin skilled will be preferred
- Placement Jakarta Assignment
5. Airport Handler
Responsibilities :
- Pick Up Employee and VIP in the airport
- Ensure travel document completion and accomodation
- Assist employee and VIP in medical assistance needs
Requirements :
- Fluency in Mandarin
- Good communication skill
- Willing to work overtime/shifting
- Placement Jakarta Assignment
Simak Lowongan Kerja Lulusan S1 Lainnya
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Subjek : Nama – Posisi yang dilamar
- Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.
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