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Beranda LOKER S1 PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia

PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia

PT Bank Seabank Indonesia merupakan aplikasi perbankan digital untuk membantu melakukan aktivitas finansial, mulai dari menabung hingga bertransaksi melalui handphone kapanpun dan dimanapun. Produk perdana SeaBank adalah rekening Tabungan, yang dapat mempermudah pengelolaan aktivitas finansial harian & menyediakan tabungan dalam satu rekening dengan bunga yang tinggi. Lowongan Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia.

PT. Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi (Bank BKE) didirikan di Jakarta pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1991. Mulai melaksanakan kegiatan perbankan pada tanggal 27 Februari 1992 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia No. 256/KMK.013/1992 tanggal 21 Februari 1992.

Resmi berubah nama menjadi PT. Bank SeaBank Indonesia (SeaBank) berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Deputi Komisioner Pengawas Perbankan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor KEP-12/PB.1/2021 tanggal 10 Februari 2021. Melakukan peluncuran pertama digital banking.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia

Saat ini SeaBank Indonesia memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Credit Support, Operation, SeaBank

Job Description :

  • Providing input results for the transfer of disbursement of loan funds through clearing is appropriate
  • Creating and recording transaction tickets to write off H-1 accrued interest
  • Carrying out the rescheduling process through the Bank Vision system regarding BI codes according to Basel II and SID
  • Carrying out transactional credit operational : change interest rate and change regular payment in the core banking system
  • Become a temporary alternate officer regarding the preparation of regulatory reports related to credit or insurance administration if needed

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree, preferably majoring in Economics, Management, Administration, or Accounting
  • Minimum 1 (one) year in the related field
  • Understand the provisions and business processes in the banking industry
  • Understand related accounting and journals

2. SLIK & Reporting, Operation, SeaBank

Job Description :

  • Compile and submit a debtor report to the Financial Services Authority (OJK), completely, accurately, the latest, intact and on time each month in accordance with the end of the reported month of the data reported
  • Delivering a debtor report that does not meet the provisions to the regulator, either on the findings of the reporter concerned and/ or on the findings of OJK
  • Processing and preparing post -reporting data that functions or is related to reporting the following month or audit needs
  • Coordinate with the main L3 Ticketing officers and provide the required loan data in accordance with the data reported via SLIK
  • Process tagging changes reports by applying SLIK reporting in the relevant reporting month
  • Coordinate with the unsecured loan unit and provide data sourced from the Reporting Module for the purposes of submitting clawback

Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree in any major
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in the related field
  • Has the ability to process & analyse data in large quantities

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