Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup (BPDLH)
Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup (BPDLH) didirikan sebagai badan penaung dan penyalur beberapa sumber pendanaan lingkungan hidup agar dapat digunakan melalui berbagai instrumen di berbagai sektor, termasuk: kehutanan, energi dan sumber daya mineral, perdagangan karbon, jasa lingkungan, industri, transportasi, pertanian, kelautan, dan perikanan. BPDLH sebagai badan resmi pemerintah Indonesia dengan mekanisme pendanaan lingkungan hidup untuk mengalirkan dan mendistribusikan dana lingkungan dan iklim sebagai upaya mendukung visi Indonesia dalam mempertahankan fungsi lingkungan serta mencegah pencemaran dan degradasi lingkungan. Lowongan Kerja Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup (BPDLH).
Badan ini juga didirikan sebagai bentuk komitmen Indonesia pada Paris Agreement untuk mencapai target pengurangan emisi dalam Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) sebesar 29% dengan upaya sendiri dan 41% dengan dukungan internasional. Proses pembentukan BPDLH merupakan hasil kerja sama antara Pusat Kebijakan Pembiayaan Perubahan Iklim dan Multilateral (PKPPIM), Badan Kebijakan Fiskal dengan Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan, serta Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan hingga BPDLH hingga sukses diluncurkan.
Visi BPDLH adalah menjadi pengelola dana lingkungan yang profesional, kredibel, dan terpercaya. Untuk mencapai visi tersebut, BPDLH bekerja untuk menerapkan pengelolaan dana lingkungan yang dilakukan dengan hati-hati, efisien, dan efektif; mendistribusikan dana lingkungan dengan memperhatikan prinsip bijaksana dan tanggung jawab; bekerja sama dalam pendanaan lingkungan dengan negara atau mitra donor, pemerintah daerah, sektor swasta, dan pihak lainnya; mendorong upaya perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan secara berkelanjutan; serta mengembangkan sistem informasi dan teknologi untuk memastikan keberlanjutan pengelolaan dana lingkungan.
Lowongan Kerja Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup (BPDLH)
Saat ini Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup (BPDLH) memberikan kesempatan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Junior Communication Officer
- Contract duration: 12 months (Until December 2024)
Scope of Work :
- The consultant will implement communications strategy for the IEF in order to support effective outreach, stakeholder engagement and information disclosure, and to support the agency’s reputation as a leading Environment Fund that is professional, credible and globally respected.
General Responsibilities :
- As part of Communications Team, s/he will support Communication Team activities and work closely with the IEF’s Communication Focal Point to execute communication outreach activities. The consultant will plan, develop, and implement IEF’s communication strategy that detailed in communication action plan. They will responsible in supporting Communication Team for all related targeted and general communication, awareness raising, and information provision activities towards governments, stakeholders and the wider public.
Qualifications and Professional Experience :
- A Bachelor’s degree with 2 years/Diploma 3 degree with 5 years of relevant experience, in communications or other related area
- Basic knowledge of current development topics and issues (especially in relation to the environment), as well as familiarity with political developments, figures in the political and public sphere, and political economy challenges related to natural resource management
- Proven experience in event management. Experience in media relation prefered
- Proven experience in supporting the execution of institution’s outreach, communication strategy and communication action plan
- Strong administrative skill, ability to manage and arrange calendar and appointment, arrange MoM, and report writing
- Knowledge and applied work experience in communication trend
- Proven writing (both Bahasa and English) and editing skills, and an ability to convey complex ideas in a creative, clear, direct, and lively style
- Strong computer skills; proven ability to use standard and customized technology packages, e.g., Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. Basic knowledge of web editing preferred
- Experience working in complex multi-stakeholder programs, government agencies, NGOs and/or international development partners preferred
- Excellent communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia required
2. Graphic Designer and Illustrator
- Contract duration: 12 months (Until December 2024)
Scope of Work :
- The consultant will be a creative communicator, responsible for the development of timely and effective visual communications outputs, as well as to raise awareness and understanding about, and enhance the image of the IEF
General Responsibilities :
- As part of Communication Team, s/he will support enhanced awareness of IEF activities, and improve visual communications with internal and external stakeholders to promote IEF. They will be responsible for all visual communications of the IEF, for awareness raising and information provision to the IEF stakeholders, including governments, stakeholders (steering committee, line ministries, provincial governments, academia, civil society organizations) and the wider public
Qualifications and Professional Experience :
- A bachelor’s degree (all majors) with a minimum of 1 year experience in graphic design
- Have an existing portfolio in designing publications (infographic, social media, book, etc.) and basic video editing experience
- Able to operate design and illustration applications and video editing applications, e.g.: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Adobe Premiere, InDesign, After Effects, Acrobat, etc
- Extensive experience in producing a wide range of high-quality material for digital media platforms: SEO-friendly materials, videos, ads copy, infographics, and posters
- Excellent understanding of current development topics and issues (especially in relation to the finance and environment), as well as familiarity with political developments, figures in the political and public sphere, and political economy challenges related to natural resource management
- Proven writing (both Bahasa and English) and editing skills, and an ability to convey complex ideas in a creative, clear, direct, and lively style
- Strong computer skills; proven ability to use standard and customized technology packages, e.g., Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. basic knowledge of web editing preferred (Figma, etc)
- Excellent communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia required
Tata Cara Melamar:
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