PT Astra International Tbk – UD Trucks Sales Operation

PT Astra International Tbk UD Trucks Sales Operation adalah salah satu divisi Astra yang bergerak di bidang penjualan medium heavy duty truck & after sales service. UD Trucks Indonesia telah merayakan 34 tahun kemitraan di Indonesia, sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Nissan Diesel. Lowongan Kerja PT Astra International Tbk UD Trucks Sales Operation.
Kini, perusahaan tersebut dimiliki oleh Volvo Group, salah satu pelaku bisnis terbesar di industri truk. Namanya berubah menjadi UD Trucks.
Astra UD Trucks adalah agen tunggal dan produsen UD Trucks dengan produk pendukungnya. Produk UD Trucks dipasarkan oleh UD Trucks Sales Operation sebagai distributor resmi melalui 15 cabang termasuk jaringan dealer.
Lowongan Kerja PT Astra International Tbk – UD Trucks Sales Operation
Saat ini PT Astra International Tbk UD Trucks Sales Operation memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Marcomm & Corcomm Admin
Job Descriptions :
- Coordination internal & external company event
- Maintain digital platform website to social media
- Manage the merchandise
- Big Data Analysis & digital Advertising
Qualifications :
- Minimum D3 all major (management & media communication major is preferred)
- Able to work with a team
2. Marketing Sales Development Analyst
Job Descriptions :
- Analyze and evaluate sales force productivity & performance
- Design sales force training module, forum, and certification
- Develop sales force tools and application (Sales Activity Tools, Dashboard, Digital Sales, etc)
- Evaluate sales incentive and reward
Qualifications :
- Minimum Bachelor of Industrial Technology, Information Technology, and Business Management
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Good analytical thinking
- Good resilience under pressure
- Strong interpersonal skill
- Able to operate sales force tools
3. Finance Analyst
Job Descriptions :
- Analyze financial report
- Follow up outstanding account balance sheet
- Monitoring and control administration process in branch
Qualifications :
- Minimum Bachelor of Accounting, Economics, Management
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Ability to face any challenges
- Good resilience under pressure
- Strong interpersonal skill
- Good team player
4. Management Trainee Administration Head
Job Descriptions :
- Ensuring the implementation of financial, tax, personel & general affair administration systems to support productivity and branch performance achievement
Qualifications :
- Minimum Bachelor of Economics/Management/Accounting/Industrial Enginering
- Minimum 2 years experience in finance (fresh graduate welcome to apply)
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia region
- Able working in team
- Have strong leadership
5. Management Trainee Business Consultant
Job Descriptions :
- Develope business strategies and plans
- Conduct market and competitor analysis
- Carry out analysis and improvement of operational processes
- Execute 82B strategy
- Establish relationships with business partners
Qualifications :
- Minimum S1 (Open to all majors)
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Able to communicate effecttively & have good persuasion skills
- Have the ability to reason & logic
- Able to adapt quickly in new environments
- High resilience
- Willing to be place throughout Indonesia
- Interest in sales & automotive
6. Industrial Relation & Legal Analyst
Job Descriptions :
- Manage industrial relations activities
- Manage the company’s legal documents and licenses
- Representing the companny in handling legal and legal related issues (if any)
- Drafting and reviewing agreements
- Register and ensure compliance of company licenses
- Assist and engage in litigation within the company
Qualifications :
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Law, with 3-5 years of experience in legal, asset management, and litigation
- Have knowledge Of labor, criminal, and civil law
- Advocate license is preferred
Tata Cara Melamar:
Jika tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan ini, silahkan daftar secara online melalui link berikut ini :
1. Marcomm & Corcomm Admin |
2. Marketing Sales Development Analyst |
3. Finance Analyst |
4. Management Trainee Administration Head |
5. Management Trainee Business Consultant |
6. Industrial Relation & Legal Analyst |
- Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.
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