Lowongan Kerja PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals. PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals merupakan salah satu produsen terkemuka Natural Fatty Alcohol di dunia. Kami bertujuan untuk menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi dan membangun hubungan pelanggan yang kuat sambil berinvestasi pada sumber daya manusia kami. Untuk melayani pelanggan kami secara global, PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals membentuk kantor pemasaran di Singapura, Jerman, dan Amerika Serikat. PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals telah membangun fasilitas manufaktur di Indonesia (PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals Batam), Singapura (Ethoxylates Manufacturing Pte Ltd), Jerman (Deutsche Hydrierwerke GmbH Rodleben) dan Prancis (Ecogreen Oleochemicals Chimie).
Lokerbumn.com saat ini berfokus memberikan informasi lowongan kerja BUMN dan anak perusahaan BUMN. Perusahaan BUMN merupakan salah satu perusahaan incaran para jobseker, selain karena fasilitas perusahaan yang mumpuni juga pendapatan gaji yang cukup terkenal lebih tinggi dari perusahaan perusahaan swasta. Hal ini yang menarik para jobseker untuk berlomba-lomba bisa masuk perusahaan BUMN.
Banyaknya jobseker yang ingin bekerja di perusahaan BUMN ini membuat persaingan semakin sengit. Untuk itu kami menyadari bahwa kalian menginginkan referensi lain dari informasi lowongan pekerjaan. Lokerbumn saat ini juga mengumpulkan informasi lowongan pekerjaan dari perusahaan Swasta maupun Instansi Pemerintahan sebagai salah satu opsi pilihan.
Lowongan Kerja PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals
1. Customer Service Executive (Code : CSE)
Qualification :
- Minimum education D3 / S1 in Business Science / Administration / Management / Human Resources or equivalent
- Required languages is must : Mandarin, English, Bahasa Indonesia
- Minimum 2 years of working experience in the related field are required for this position
- Understand in the international payment system including payment processing with Letter of Credit (L/C)
- Prefer Supervisors / Coordinators specializing in Customer Service or equivalent
- Understand the system of good delivery agreement (incoterm)
- Fresh graduate wecome to apply
- Required skill(s) : Microsoft Offie, Good Communcation Skill
Deadline 16 Februari 2021
2. Junior Electrical Technician (Code : JET)
Qualification :
- Minimum education D3 majoring in Electrical Engineering (high voltage) from a reputable university
- Minimum 1 year experience in similar position
- Able to understand and read starter control images
- Understanding the principles of electrical voltage
- Fresh Graduate welcome to apply
- Computer literate
- Requirement language : English (minimum pasive), Bahasa Indonesia
- Have good communication skills and high initiative, able to work in teams and work shifts
Deadline 24 Februari 2021
3. Field Operator – EOB1 (Code : FO1)
Qualification :
- Minimum S1 Chemical Engineering
- Minimum 1 year experience as a production operator in the oleochemical industry
- Having computer skill Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
- Fresh Graduate welcome to apply
- Requirement language : English (minimum passive), Bahasa Indoesia
- Have good communication skills and high initiative, able to work in teams and work shifts
Deadline 24 Februari 2021
4. Junior Mechanical Engineering (Code : JME)
Qualification :
- Background minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) – Mechanical Engineering from a reputable university
- Minimum 2 years experiences in the same position
- Computer literate : Ms. Office, AutoCad, PVElite, Tankelite,
- Have a sound knowledge of the theory, practice and procedures in mechanical engineering
- Fresh Graduate welcome to apply
- Requirement language (s) : English & Bahasa Indonesia
- Good communication skill and able to work in a team
- Able to work under pressure and tight schedule
Deadline 24 Februari 2021
Note : Our company will offer an excellent remuneration package to those who meet the requirements
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