Lowongan Kerja DHL Supply Chain Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja DHL Supply Chain Indonesia. DHL merupakan merek global terkemuka di industri logistik. Divisi kami menawarkan portofolio layanan logistik yang tak tertandingi mulai dari pengiriman paket nasional dan internasional, solusi pengiriman dan pemenuhan e-commerce, ekspres internasional, transportasi darat, udara dan laut hingga manajemen rantai pasokan industri.. Perusahaan yang didirikan di San Francisco, California, Amerka memiliki kantor pusat di Bonn, Jerman.
Lokerbumn.com saat ini berfokus memberikan informasi lowongan kerja BUMN dan anak perusahaan BUMN. Perusahaan BUMN merupakan salah satu perusahaan incaran para jobseker, selain karena fasilitas perusahaan yang mumpuni juga pendapatan gaji yang cukup terkenal lebih tinggi dari perusahaan perusahaan swasta. Hal ini yang menarik para jobseker untuk berlomba-lomba bisa masuk perusahaan BUMN.
Banyaknya jobseker yang ingin bekerja di perusahaan BUMN ini membuat persaingan semakin sengit. Untuk itu kami menyadari bahwa kalian menginginkan referensi lain dari informasi lowongan pekerjaan. Lokerbumn saat ini juga mengumpulkan informasi lowongan pekerjaan dari perusahaan Swasta maupun Instansi Pemerintahan sebagai salah satu opsi pilihan.
Lowongan Kerja DHL Supply Chain Indonesia
1. TE Project Senior Manager
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor in any field
- Minimum 2 years of working experience for Supervisor, minimum 3 years for Executive/Senior Executive, minimum 5 years for Manager/Sr. Manager preferably in technical enginering Telco sector
- Demonstrate expertise in project management, communication abilities, leadership, computer competencies, problem solving orientation, and teamwork
- Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain strong working relationships with colleagues in different roles across the business
- Excellent communication skills with the ability to clearly communicate vision, goals, project status and to escalate issues when appropriate
- Experience with telecommunications implementations and conversions
- Advance in Ms. Office Excel, Power Point & Reporting Skill
- Have Moderate English Ability
- PMP certification is an advantage
- Placement Jakarta
2. TE Project Manager
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor in any field
- Minimum 2 years of working experience for Supervisor, minimum 3 years for Executive/Senior Executive, minimum 5 years for Manager/Sr. Manager preferably in technical enginering Telco sector
- Demonstrate expertise in project management, communication abilities, leadership, computer competencies, problem solving orientation, and teamwork
- Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain strong working relationships with colleagues in different roles across the business
- Excellent communication skills with the ability to clearly communicate vision, goals, project status and to escalate issues when appropriate
- Experience with telecommunications implementations and conversions
- Advance in Ms. Office Excel, Power Point & Reporting Skill
- Have Moderate English Ability
- PMP certification is an advantage
- Placement Jakarta
3. TE Project Senior Executive
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor in any field
- Minimum 2 years of working experience for Supervisor, minimum 3 years for Executive/Senior Executive, minimum 5 years for Manager/Sr. Manager preferably in technical enginering Telco sector
- Experience with telecommunications implementations and conversions
- Advance in Ms. Office Excel, Power Point & Reporting Skill
- Have Moderate English Ability
- Placement Jakarta/Bandung/Semarang/Surabaya/Bali/Medan/Palembang/Balikpapan/Makassar
4. TE Acceptance Senior Executive
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor in any field
- Minimum 2 years of working experience for Supervisor, minimum 3 years for Executive/Senior Executive, min. 5 years for Manager/Sr. Manager preferably in technical enginering Telco sector
- Demonstrate expertise in project management, communication abilities, leadership, computer competencies, problem solving orientation, and teamwork
- Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain strong working relationships with colleagues in different roles across the business
- Experience with telecommunications implementations and conversions
- Advance in Ms. Office Excel, Power Point & Reporting Skill
- Have Moderate English Ability
- Placement Jakarta
5. TE Site Supervisor
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor in any field
- Minimum 2 years of working experience for Supervisor, minimum 3 years for Executive/Senior Executive, min. 5 years for Manager/Sr. Manager preferably in technical enginering Telco sector
- Experience with telecommunications implementations and conversions
- Advance in Ms. Office Excel, Power Point & Reporting Skill
- Have Moderate English Ability
- Placement Jakarta/Bandung/Semarang/Surabaya/Bali/Medan/Palembang/Balikpapan/Makassar
6. QHSE Supervisor
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor in any field
- Minimum 2 years of working experience for Supervisor, minimum 3 years for Executive/Senior Executive, min. 5 years for Manager/Sr. Manager preferably in technical enginering Telco sector
- Experience with telecommunications implementations and conversions
- Advance in Ms. Office Excel, Power Point & Reporting Skill
- Have Moderate English Ability
- Placement Jakarta/Bandung/Semarang/Surabaya/Bali/Medan/Palembang/Balikpapan/Makassar
7. Finance Controller Supervisor
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor in any field
- Minimum 2 years of working experience for Supervisor, minimum 3 years for Executive/Senior Executive, min. 5 years for Manager/Sr. Manager preferably in technical enginering Telco sector
- Experience with telecommunications implementations and conversions
- Advance in Ms. Office Excel, Power Point & Reporting Skill
- Have Moderate English Ability
- Having a good understanding of Accounting and Supply Chain Finance Principal
- Placement Jakarta
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