Karir dan Info
Beranda MAGANG ASEAN Foundation

ASEAN Foundation

Berpuluh-puluh tahun setelah ASEAN berdiri, para pemimpin ASEAN menyadari masih belum memadainya kesejahteraan bersama, kesadaran ASEAN, dan kontak di antara masyarakat ASEAN. Karena keprihatinan inilah para pemimpin ASEAN mendirikan ASEAN Foundation pada KTT Peringatan 30 Tahun ASEAN di Kuala Lumpur Malaysia pada 15 Desember 1997.

ASEAN Foundation mengambil peran penting untuk memenuhi kesenjangan tersebut. Sebagai salah satu badan ASEAN, kita bertugas untuk mendukung ASEAN terutama dalam mempromosikan kesadaran, identitas, interaksi dan pengembangan masyarakat ASEAN. Kami menyatukan orang. Dan kami membantu mengembangkannya. Kita adalah instrumen strategis untuk mencapai tujuan ASEAN.

Sejak terbentuknya ASEAN pada tahun 1967, ASEAN telah menempuh perjalanan panjang untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi, kemajuan sosial dan perkembangan budaya di kawasan. Dan ASEAN Foundation telah menjadi bagian integral dari misi ini selama dua dekade terakhir.

Lowongan Kerja ASEAN Foundation

Saat ini ASEAN Foundation memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

ASEAN Foundation Onsite Internship Programme 2023 Batch 2

1. Communications Intern

Tasks Of The Intern :

  • Write, produce and disseminate ASEAN Foundation (AF) success stories to all AF social media platforms
  • Update the media database (printed, online, television and radio) across ASEAN.
  • Develop ideas to engage AF social media followers via interactive games and quizzes.
  • Update photo documentation database of AF initiatives.
  • Undertake other tasks and activities as requested

Qualifications And Skills :

  • Undergraduate study in any major
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English
  • Experience working collaboratively in campus/faculty and volunteering organization
  • Good analytical skills and have basic knowledge and understanding about ASEAN (socio-economic, people, culture, innovation & technology)
  • Basic skills in video editing, event management, and coordination would be a plus
  • Ability to plan and organize work
  • Resourcefulness, initiative, enthusiasm and detail-oriented
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural team environment

2. Operations Intern

Tasks Of The Intern :

  • Assist in financial management
    • Prepare financial documents for payment processing through the ASEAN Foundation’s Finance System
    • Follow up of expenses and filing
    • Support as well as follow up on project agreements with partners
  • Assist in human resource administration
    • Archive documents related to staff attendance
    • Support the team on the recruitment process, register all the applicants and review the documents
    • Follow up on vacancies announcements
  • Assist in the procurement process
    • Request for Quotations
    • Archive purchase orders, contracts and other procurement related files
    • Collect, search and compile potential suppliers list
  • Assist in administrative arrangement
    • Provide logistic support for events, mission and conference
    • Assist in travel arrangement
    • Assist in managing the organisation’s filing system
    • Assist in creating requested PowerPoint Presentation(PPT) materials
    • Assist to answer phone and guide calls to the relevant staff
    • Ensure external people are welcomed in the office
  • Undertake other tasks and activities as requested

Qualifications And Skills :

  • Undergraduate study in an accounting or business administration field
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English
  • Ability to plan and organize work
  • Resourcefulness, initiative, enthusiasm and detail-oriented
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural team environment
  • Very good computer skills including knowledge and experience in all Microsoft Office software (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, etc)
  • Tech-savvy with knowledge of social networking tools, etc., is an asset

3. Programme Intern

Tasks Of The Intern

The intern would be supervised by the Programme Manager and would work closely with programme staff and s/he is expected to deliver the following tasks:

Resource Mobilisation :

  1. Participate in and prepare input for preparing proposals for funding consideration including budget preparation

Programme Management :

  1. Assist programme management in the organisation’s four thematic areas of education, arts and culture, media and community building, for example by elaborating on work plans implementation
  2. Support the review of project budgets and financial reports
  3. Develop minutes of meeting

Monitoring and Evaluation :

  1. Support the Programme Manager in developing the M&E system to include research models of the M&E
  2. Support the development of standardized reporting formats
  3. Support the programme team to regularly report on progress and implementation of activities
  4. Support reporting processes based on the performance of individual projects/initiatives and agreed outcomes, outputs, indicators
  5. Support and initiate the development of graphs to illustrate accumulated data for reports and presentations to stakeholders

Reporting and Communication :

  1. Support the writing of substantive reports and written contributions for various purposes, including inputs for donor reports, speeches, e-News, web-stories, fundraising efforts and other needs.
  2. Support research on specific topics, when needed

Organisational Tasks :

  1. Assist in other programme implementation work, including programme assistance functions, such as mailing, logistical arrangements (meeting and travel arrangements, etc) and organisational coordination (liaison with participants, etc)
  2. Maintain a resource database of experts, officials and institutions, ensuring the most relevant and up-to-date information, to facilitate programme related contacts and communication.
  3. Undertake other tasks and activities as requested

Qualifications And Skills :

  • Enrolment in an undergraduate/graduate degree programme of a recognized institution in a relevant programme
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English
  • Ability to plan and organise work
  • Resourcefulness, initiative, enthusiasm and detail-oriented
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural team environment
  • Very good computer skills including knowledge and experience in all Microsoft Office software (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, etc)
  • Tech-savvy with knowledge of social networking tools, etc., is an asset
  • Demonstrate commitment to ASEAN Foundation mission, vision and values
  • Display cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

Tata Cara Melamar:

Jika tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan ini, Silahkan mendaftar secara online, melalui llink berikut :

Communications Intern : DAFTAR

Operations Intern : DAFTAR

Programme Intern : DAFTAR

Paling lambat 30 Mei 2023
Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan lowongan kerja, karena pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan itu gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.

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