PT Citilink Indonesia
Citilink Indonesia merupakan maskapai penerbangan yang berada di bawah naungan Garuda Indonesia Group, melayani penerbangan dengan sistem dari kota ke kota. Lowongan Kerja PT Citilink Indonesia Terbaru.
PT Citilink Indonesia adalah anak perusahaan Garuda Indonesia, didirikan berdasarkan Akta Notaris Natakusumah No. 01 tanggal 6 Januari 2009, berkedudukan di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, dengan pengesahan dari Menkhumham No. AHU-14555.AH.01.01 Tahun 2009 tanggal 22 April 2009. Kepemilikan saham Citilink pada saat didirikan adalah 67% PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. (“Garuda”) dan 33% PT Aerowisata (“Aerowisata”).
Penerbangan Citilink pada awalnya merupakan penerbangan yang dikelola oleh SBU Citilink milik Garuda Indonesia yang beroperasi dengan AOC Garuda dan menggunakan nomor penerbangan Garuda sejak Mei 2011.
Lowongan Kerja PT Citilink Indonesia
Saat ini PT Citilink Indonesia saat ini sedang membuka rekrutmen lowongan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Design Communication Intern
As a Design Communication Intern, you will :
- Collaborate with the team to conceptualize and produce catchy and insightful content through attractive graphic design (flyers, posters, etc.)
- Work with the team to create and support internal communication campaigns
- Contribute to the development of engaging visual content
- Explore innovative ways to present information through visual storytelling
Requirements :
- Final year students or those completing Bachelor’s studies in DKV, Advertising, or Communication
- Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and other related tools
- Creative mindset with a passion for crafting visually appealing content
- Strong graphic design and branding skills
- Social media savvy and up-to-date with trends
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Bonus points for skills in Adobe After Effects & Adobe Premiere Pro
- Willing to WFO at Citilink’s HO, Tangerang
2. KOL Management Internship
As a KOL Management Intern, you’ll :
- Identify potential Key Opinion Leaders (KOL)
- Acquire and manage relationships with KOLs
- Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of KOL campaigns
- Create comprehensive reports on KOL engagements
- Ensure KOL content aligns seamlessly with campaign briefs
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in any major (Communication Science/Marketing Management is a plus)
- Proficiency in Ms. PowerPoint
- Active and up-to-date on social media trends
- Good skills in Ms. Excel for data management is a plus
- Copywriting Certificate/Course is a plus
- Willingness to work onsite at Citilink’s Head Office
3. Socmed Content Creator Intern
As a Socmed Content Creator Intern, you’ll be :
- Searching for creative ideas and visual references
- Crafting engaging content by editing and shooting videos
- Creating real-time content for Citilink’s social media platforms (Story, Reels, & TikTok)
- Analyzing viral content and benchmarking against competitors and related companies
- Being a social media savvy innovator
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s Degree/Final year student from any background (Cinematography is a plus)
- Proficient in using Video Editors (iMovie, VN, Capcut, Inshot)
- Ability to produce commercial content
- Strong skills in Ms. Office & proficiency in Adobe Family (Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro) is a plus
- Willing to work onsite at Citilink’s HQ, Tangerang
Baca Juga Lowongan Kerja Lulusan D3 Lainnya
Tata cara Melamar:
Bagi kalian yang berminat dan memenuhi kuallifikasi yang dibutuhkan silahkan kirimkan berkas lamaran anda ke email :
Subject :
- Posisi 1 : Design Communication Intern_Your Name
- Posisi 2 : KOL Management Intern_Your Name
- Posisi 3 : SOCMED Content Creator Intern_Your Name
- Batas akhir pendaftaran 31 Desember 2023
- Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun
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