PT Darma Henwa Tbk

PT Darma Henwa Tbk merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa kontraktor pertambangan di berbagai wilayah operasional dan beragam kegiatan menjadi bukti reputasi kami yang sangat baik. Kombinasi keunggulan operasional, manajemen aset yang efisien, serta sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dan profesional memungkinkan kami untuk bertransformasi menjadi salah satu perusahaan kontraktor pertambangan terkemuka di Indonesia. PT Darma Henwa Tbk beroperasi dalam dua segmen usaha: jasa pertambangan dan jasa pemasaran dan konsultasi. Tercatat dalam Bursa Efek Indonesia di tahun 2007 pada Papan Utama. Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Darma Henwa Tbk.
Visi: Menjadi Perusahaan regional pilihan dalam penyedia layanan pertambangan yang terintegrasi.
- Menciptakan pengetahuan manajemen yang baik dan biaya operasional yang efektif.
- Memberikan nilai maksimum ke seluruh stakeholders dan terus tumbuh secara berkesinambungan.
- Menyediakan pelayanan berkualitas tinggi kepada para stakeholders melalui best practices dengan komitmen yang tinggi dalam hal Health, Safety and Environment serta tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan yang tinggi.
Lowongan Kerja PT Darma Henwa Tbk
Saat ini PT Darma Henwa Tbk memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Warehouse & Logistic Team Leader
Job Description :
- Monitoring warehouse operational activities include the receipt of arrival and delivery of goods/parts and/or services in and out of the project to ensure goods that are by the company’s budget and procedures and applicable safety standards to optimize inventory, ensure the condition of goods are good, safe and received on time
Requirements :
- Education minimal DIII/S1 all majors
- Male, maximal age 38 years old
- Have min work experience 2 years in similar position
- Know the Warehousing system well
- Able to manage the distribution process and conduct stock taking and data reconciliation
- Have good product knowledge, lack of negotiation, understand mining process
- Know the Procurement process and PR/PO process
- Proficient in operating Microsoft Office Suites
- Willing to be Placed on-site PT Darma Henwa Tbk
2. Head of Planning Maintenance Section
Job Description :
- Plan strategies, control, evaluate and take action to improve all planning activities, develop maintenance system and repair unit/equipment, including reviewing maintenance cost to ensure the achievement of PA, MTBF & MTTR unit target, according to the needs of Mine Operation, HSE standards, and procedure that apply within the specified budget constraints
Requirements :
- Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Engineering
- Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum of 10 years
- Minimum 3 years in the same position or 5 years as Superintendent level
- Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy & Financial analysis
- Male, Maximum 45 years old
- Have Certificate POP is preferred
- Fluent English is preferred
- Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk
3. HOS-Auxiliary
Job Description :
- Manage, supervise, and report verbally and in writing on all MDT maintenance activities (schedule maintenance) in the project within the scope of supervision as well as maintaining the cleanliness of the work environment based on the direction of the supervisor and the schedule/planning made by the planner within the budget constraints, procedures and HSE standards applicable to support the achievement of target PA, MTBF, and MTFR units and support the smooth running of mining operations
Requirements :
- Vocational High School / Diploma / Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
- Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
- Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
- Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
- Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
- Male, Maximum 40 years old
- Have Certificate POP is preferred
- Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk
4. Maintenance Trainer
Job Description :
- Preparing material, making lesson plans, providing training, coaching, and assessments to mechanics and automotive electricians on all aspects of maintenance and repair of heavy equipment in the project by the curriculum, HSE standards, and applicable procedures through effective coordination with related parties to generate energy qualified mechanical personnel by the competency standards that have been determined to support the achievement of the plant & maintenance targets dept.
Requirements :
- Has experience as maintenance supervisor is preferred, min 3. years (S1); minimum 7 years (D3); minimum 12 years (SMA/SMK)
- Understand mining procedures, product knowledge, failure analysis, and heavy equipment
- Having TOT certificate is a must
- Having POP certificate is preferrable
- Having good communication
Simak Juga Lowongan Kerja Lulusan S1 lainnya
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Paling lambat 15 desember 2022
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