PT Miniso Lifestyle Trading Indonesia

PT Miniso Lifestyle Trading Indonesia Didirikan di Tokyo, MINISO, merek perancang busana cepat Jepang, didirikan bersama oleh Miyake Junya, kepala perancang MINISO, dan Ye Guofu, pengusaha muda Tiongkok. MINISO menganjurkan gaya hidup modis dan santai serta mengarahkan pola konsumsi produk unggulan. Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja PT Miniso Lifestyle Trading Indonesia.
Alamat Kantor pusat PT Miniso Lifestyle Trading Indonesia berada di UOB Plaza, lantai 42, Jl. MH Thamrin Kav 8-10, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10230.
MINISO mengejar filosofi hidup “sederhana, alami, dan berkualitas” dan proposisi merek “kesederhanaan dan kembali ke esensi”. Ini meluncurkan produk baru setiap tujuh hari dan harga rendah tetapi produk berkualitas tinggi sangat populer di kalangan pelanggan. MINISO memposisikan dirinya sebagai jaringan toko mode cepat, yang nilai inti mendapatkan popularitas di kalangan konsumen dan memimpin pasar ke tren baru “konsumsi produk unggulan”. MINISO Co., Ltd. telah beroperasi sejak 2013.
Sebagian besar toko MINISO berlokasi di pusat perbelanjaan besar di pusat kota, dengan tujuan membangun merek yang tetap dekat dengan kehidupan masyarakat dan memiliki fashion kelas atas. MINISO berupaya memberikan pengalaman berbelanja yang luar biasa kepada pelanggan setiap saat.
Lowongan Kerja PT Miniso Lifestyle Trading Indonesia
Saat ini PT Miniso Lifestyle Trading Indonesia memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Admin Buyer (Mandarin Speaker)
Responsibilities :
- Assisting buyers team in placing orders with vendors or suppliers
- Ensuring all purchasing documents invoices, purchase orders, contracts, etc are properly stored and organized
- Assisting the buyers team in monitoring stock levels and ensuring timely procurement of required items
- Making market and product analysis report (front margin, back margin and customer satisfaction)
- Coordinate with related department to ensure about purchase product neede
- Do other duties related to product department needed
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s Degree, at any field from reputable university
- Minimum 2 years of experience in administration/related position
- Strong communication and negotiation skills
- Having good understanding in retail business and market connection
- Fluent in Mandarin (oral and written) & proficient in Ms Excel
- Dynamic and willing to work in underpressure situation
2. Buyer Toys (Mandarin Speaker)
Responsibilities :
- Responsible for searching and purchase goods for Toys
- Select product to be sell in stores and analyze for seasonal merchandise buying
- Sort out existing supply chain resources and complete commodity R&D according to the direction of business plan
- Negotiate, dealing and maintain professional relationships with factory owner/supplier in order to fulfill production needs
- Responsible to apply payment request to Finance Department
- Making market and product analysis report (front margin, back margin and customer satisfaction)
- Coordinate with relevant department to ensure about purchase product
Requirements :
- At least a Bachelor’s Degree, at any field from reputable university
- Minimum 1 year of experience as a Buyer with relevant categories
- Rich resources of suppliers or factory networking
- Strong communication and negotiation skills
- Having good understanding in Retail business and Market connection
- Fluent English & Mandarin both oral and written
- Dynamic and willing to work in under pressure situation
3. Marketing Corporate Specialist
Responsibilities :
- Find new products customers & maintain existing customers
- Building relationships to generate revenue with various parties (school, colleges, modern and/or traditional market, institution, etc)
- Gather all market information and make plans to increase sales
- Make reports and present the results of market analysis
- Work closely with several internal related departments to achieve operationsl goals
- Conduct regular meeting and make agreements with customers for collaboration
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s Degree in any major with 3 years working experience as Marketing Executive, preferably handling B2B/group sales would be advantage
- Proficient in processing and knowing about rules of merchant operations
- Innovative, have strong analyze and good interpersonal communication skills
- Good in English & Mandarin both oral and written are preferred
- Willing to mobile and work under targeted situation
If you interested and/or have referrals, kindly apply through the scan QR code or or send your updated CV to:
Subject: Position_Name
- Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan pekerjaan itu gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.
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