Karir dan Info
Beranda BUMN PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk adalah sebuah badan usaha milik negara Indonesia yang menyediakan berbagai macam jasa keuangan. Bank yang berkantor pusat di Jakarta ini adalah salah satu bank terbesar di Indonesia dalam hal jumlah aset, pinjaman, dan simpanannya. Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. 

Bank Mandiri didirikan pada 2 Oktober 1998, sebagai bagian dari program restrukturisasi perbankan yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Pada bulan Juli 1999, empat bank pemerintah — yaitu Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia dan Bank Pembangunan Indonesia — dilebur menjadi Bank Mandiri, dimana masing-masing bank tersebut memiliki peran yang tak terpisahkan dalam pembangunan perekonomian Indonesia.

Sampai dengan hari ini, Bank Mandiri meneruskan tradisi selama lebih dari 140 tahun memberikan kontribusi dalam dunia perbankan dan perekonomian Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

Saat ini PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk saat ini sedang membuka rekrutmen bumn untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Site Reliability Engineer

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  • Menjaga stabilitas, ketersediaan, dan keandalan sistem aplikasi dengan melakukan monitoring performa server, aplikasi, dan database.
  • Menangani insiden secara cepat untuk memastikan Service Level Objectives (SLOs) dan Service Level Agreements (SLAs) terpenuhi, serta mendokumentasikan langkah-langkah penanganan insiden.
  • Melakukan analisis mendalam terhadap penyebab utama (root cause) dari insiden dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk pencegahan jangka panjang.
  • Membangun dan mengelola proses otomatisasi deployment, scaling, dan failover untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional.
  • Melakukan analisis kapasitas (capacity planning) dan tuning performa infrastruktur untuk memastikan sumber daya memadai untuk kebutuhan organisasi.
  • Berkolaborasi dengan tim pengembang untuk meningkatkan desain aplikasi agar lebih scalable dan fault-tolerant
  • Berkolaborasi dengan user, tim pengembang dan tim testing dalam menyusun skenario test untuk memastikan aplikasi dibangun sesuai kebutuhan dan menerapkan prinsip SRE
  • Mengimplementasikan kontrol keamanan dan memastikan infrastruktur sesuai dengan standar kepatuhan yang berlaku
  • Melaksanakan budaya patuh demi tegaknya prinsip kesadaran risiko dan tata kelola yang baik (good governance).

Persyaratan :

  • Minimal pendidikan S1 (jurusan Teknik Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, atau bidang terkait).
  • Usia maksimal 35 tahun.
  • Pengalaman minimal 4-5 tahun di bidang Site Reliability Engineering
  • Menguasai konsep monitoring dan observabilitas menggunakan tools seperti Grafana, Prometheus, atau Elastic Stack (ELK).
  • Memahami konsep dan implementasi CI/CD pipelines menggunakan tools seperti Jenkins, GitLab CI, atau GitHub Actions.
  • Memiliki pengalaman dengan cloud computing (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) dan infrastructure-as-code tools seperti Terraform atau Ansible.
  • Memiliki pengalaman dengan containerization dan orkestrasi (Kubernetes, Docker, OpenShift).
  • Menguasai scripting untuk automasi menggunakan Bash, Python, atau Go.
  • Memiliki sertifikasi terkait lebih diutamakan, seperti Certified Site Reliability Engineer Foundation (CSREF), Google Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer, AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

2. Kriya Mandiri – Region 12/Papua 2025

Job Description :

  • Kriya Mandiri is a program where we invite high school graduates to intern at Bank Mandiri network (i.e. Branch). As an intern, you will be allowed to accumulate experience and skills necessary for the workplace especially skills for banking operations and services. After completing the Kriya Mandiri program, you will be eligible for Mandiri Education Aid to assist you in completing your graduate studies.
  • This internship opportunity is especially for candidates residing in Papua.

Requirements :

  • Score Average:
    • High school graduates: minimum 6.5 average on the national test score, or equivalent
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: minimum 2,75 on a 4,00 GPA Scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • High school graduates: 19 years old
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: 24 years old
  • Customer Service role requires a minimum of Diploma’s degree (D3)
  • Willing to remain unmarried during the internship period
  • Presentable and demonstrating good communication skills
  • Physically healthy and not color blind as evidenced by a health certificate from the hospital/local public health center
  • Never involved in drug abuse or other violations of the law

3. Kriya Mandiri – Region 11/Bali & Nusa Tenggara 2025

Job Description :

  • Kriya Mandiri is a program where we invite high school graduates to intern at Bank Mandiri network (i.e. Branch). As an intern, you will be given the opportunity to accumulate experience and skills necessary for the workplace especially skills for banking operations and services. After successfully completing the Kriya Mandiri program, you will be eligible for Mandiri Education Aid to assist you in completing your graduate studies.
  • This internship opportunity is especially for candidates residing in Bali dan Nusa Tenggara.

Requirements :

  • Score Average:
    • High school graduates: minimum 6.5 average on the national test score, or equivalent
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: minimum 2,75 on a 4,00 GPA Scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • High school graduates: 19 years old
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: 24 years old
  • Customer Service role requires a minimum of Diploma’s degree (D3)
  • Willing to remain unmarried during the internship period
  • Presentable and demonstrating good communication skills
  • Physically healthy and not color blind as evidenced by a health certificate from the hospital/local public health center
  • Never involved in drug abuse or other violations of the law

4. Kriya Mandiri – Region 10/Sulawesi & Maluku 2025

Job Description :

  • Kriya Mandiri is a program where we invite high school graduates to intern at Bank Mandiri network (i.e. Branch). As an intern, you will be given the opportunity to accumulate experience and skills necessary for the workplace especially skills for banking operations and services. After successfully completing the Kriya Mandiri program, you will be eligible for Mandiri Education Aid to assist you in completing your graduate studies.
  • This internship opportunity is especially for candidates residing in Sulawesi dan Maluku.

Requirements :

  • Score Average:
    • High school graduates: minimum 6.5 average on the national test score, or equivalent
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: minimum 2,75 on a 4,00 GPA Scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • High school graduates: 19 years old
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: 24 years old
  • Customer Service role requires a minimum of Diploma’s degree (D3)
  • Willing to remain unmarried during the internship period
  • Presentable and demonstrating good communication skills
  • Physically healthy and not color blind as evidenced by a health certificate from the hospital/local public health center
  • Never involved in drug abuse or other violations of the law

5. Kriya Mandiri – Region 8/Jawa 3 2025

Job Description :

  • Kriya Mandiri is a program where we invite high school graduates to intern at Bank Mandiri network (i.e. Branch). As an intern, you will be allowed to accumulate experience and skills necessary for the workplace especially skills for banking operations and services. After completing the Kriya Mandiri program, you will be eligible for Mandiri Education Aid to assist you in completing your graduate studies.
  • This internship opportunity is especially for candidates residing in East Java.

Requirements :

  • Score Average:
    • High school graduates: minimum 6.5 average on the national test score, or equivalent
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: minimum 2,75 on a 4,00 GPA Scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • High school graduates: 19 years old
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: 24 years old
  • Customer Service role requires a minimum of Diploma’s degree (D3)
  • Willing to remain unmarried during the internship period
  • Presentable and demonstrating good communication skills
  • Physically healthy and not color blind as evidenced by a health certificate from the hospital/local public health center
  • Never involved in drug abuse or other violations of the law

6. Kriya Mandiri – Region 7/Jawa 2 2025

Job Description :

  • Kriya Mandiri is a program where we invite high school graduates to intern at Bank Mandiri network (i.e. Branch). As an intern, you will be given the opportunity to accumulate experience and skills necessary for the workplace especially skills for banking operations and services. After successfully completing the Kriya Mandiri program, you will be eligible for Mandiri Education Aid to assist you in completing your graduate studies.
  • This internship opportunity is especially for candidates residing in Central Java and Yogyakarta.

Requirements :

  • Score Average:
    • High school graduates: minimum 6.5 average on the national test score, or equivalent
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: minimum 2,75 on a 4,00 GPA Scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • High school graduates: 19 years old
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: 24 years old
  • Customer Service role requires a minimum of Diploma’s degree (D3)
  • Willing to remain unmarried during the internship period
  • Presentable and demonstrating good communication skills
  • Physically healthy and not color blind as evidenced by a health certificate from the hospital/local public health center
  • Never involved in drug abuse or other violations of the law

7. Kriya Mandiri – Region 6/Jawa 1 2025

Job Description :

  • Kriya Mandiri is a program where we invite high school graduates to intern at Bank Mandiri network (i.e. Branch). As an intern, you will be given the opportunity to accumulate experience and skills necessary for the workplace especially skills for banking operations and services. After successfully completing the Kriya Mandiri program, you will be eligible for Mandiri Education Aid to assist you in completing your graduate studies.
  • This internship opportunity is especially for candidates residing in West Java.

Requirements :

  • Score Average:
    • High school graduates: minimum 6.5 average on the national test score, or equivalent
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: minimum 2,75 on a 4,00 GPA Scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • High school graduates: 19 years old
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: 24 years old
  • Customer Service role requires a minimum of Diploma’s degree (D3)
  • Willing to remain unmarried during the internship period
  • Presentable and demonstrating good communication skills
  • Physically healthy and not color blind as evidenced by a health certificate from the hospital/local public health center
  • Never involved in drug abuse or other violations of the law

8. Kriya Mandiri – Region 5/Jakarta 3 2025

Job Description :

  • Kriya Mandiri is a program where we invite high school graduates to intern at Bank Mandiri network (i.e. Branch). As an intern, you will be allowed to accumulate experience and skills necessary for the workplace especially skills for banking operations and services. After completing the Kriya Mandiri program, you will be eligible for Mandiri Education Aid to assist you in completing your graduate studies.
  • This internship opportunity is especially for candidates residing in Jakarta, Depok, and Bogor.

Requirements :

  • Score Average:
    • High school graduates: minimum 6.5 average on the national test score, or equivalent
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: minimum 2,75 on a 4,00 GPA Scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
    • High school graduates: 19 years old
    • Diploma (D3/D4) & Bachelor’s degree (S1) graduates: 24 years old
  • Customer Service role requires a minimum of Diploma’s degree (D3)
  • Willing to remain unmarried during the internship period
  • Presentable and demonstrating good communication skills
  • Physically healthy and not color blind as evidenced by a health certificate from the hospital/local public health center
  • Never involved in drug abuse or other violations of the law

Tata Cara Melamar:

Jika tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan ini, silahkan daftar secara online melalui link berikut :

1. Site Reliability Engineer


2. Kriya Mandiri – Region 12/Papua 2025


3. Kriya Mandiri – Region 11/Bali & Nusa Tenggara 2025


4. Kriya Mandiri – Region 10/Sulawesi & Maluku 2025


5. Kriya Mandiri – Region 8/Jawa 3 2025


6. Kriya Mandiri – Region 7/Jawa 2 2025


7. Kriya Mandiri – Region 6/Jawa 1 2025


8. Kriya Mandiri – Region 5/Jakarta 3 2025



  • Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun

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