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Lowongan Kerja Tokopedia Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Tokopedia Tahun 2021. Tokopedia adalah perusahaan teknologi Indonesia dengan misi untuk mendemokratisasi perdagangan melalui teknologi. Kami merupakan pasar terkemuka di Indonesia, kami mendorong jutaan pedagang dan konsumen untuk berpartisipasi dalam masa depan perdagangan.

Lokerbumn.com saat ini berfokus memberikan informasi lowongan kerja BUMN dan anak perusahaan BUMN. Perusahaan BUMN merupakan salah satu perusahaan incaran para jobseker, selain karena fasilitas perusahaan yang mumpuni juga pendapatan gaji yang cukup terkenal lebih tinggi dari perusahaan perusahaan swasta. Hal ini yang menarik para jobseker untuk berlomba-lomba bisa masuk perusahaan BUMN.

Banyaknya jobseker yang ingin bekerja di perusahaan BUMN ini membuat persaingan semakin sengit. Untuk itu kami menyadari bahwa kalian menginginkan referensi lain dari informasi lowongan pekerjaan. Lokerbumn saat ini juga mengumpulkan informasi lowongan pekerjaan dari perusahaan Swasta maupun Instansi Pemerintahan sebagai salah satu opsi pilihan.

Lowongan Kerja Tokopedia Terbaru Agustus 2021

1. Risk Management Administrator (Account Security)

Job Descriptions :

  • Monitoring anomaly activities related to user account
  • Creating SOP and Working Instructions needed and monitoring all the SOP and Working
  • Instructions are done accordingly
  • Strong collaboration cross function to able to maintain user trust
  • Identify technical vulnerabilities and how fraudster abuse the system
  • Work with security & operation teams to simulate threats and verify security controls
  • Provide assistance and support to serve data requests from external stakeholders (law enforcement and regulators)

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s Degree in all majors, but relevant majors are preferred (Information Systems)
  • Working experience is preferred but not required
  • Familiarity with MS Office, customer relationship management tools (Salesforce etc.) and basic SQL principles
  • Focus on consumer, detail oriented, & fast response
  • Ideally candidate should have strong, demonstrable knowledge of Cybercrime, cyber-enabled fraud and an understanding of the principles of intelligence gathering and analysis, especially in the Deep and Dark Web

2. Risk Management Administrator (Trust & Safety)

Responsibilities :

  • Responsible for daily sweeping of infringing products in Tokopedia, as well as aligning with other related teams due to the mitigation if there is any complaint.
  • Solving daily reports/complaints from tickets, intools, or any other channels.
  • Helping to propose/create improvement based on finding in a daily task.
  • Making regular reports for tickets/reports have been solved and totals of infringing products have been swept.
  • Create and manage the SOP of daily tasks.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree (S1) in all majors (preferably majoring in business administrative, economics, social science or politics, law, communication or min 1-year experience in related fields).
  • Good teamwork and organizational skills.
  • Work in a timely manner
  • Good administrative and analytical skill
  • Have a great integrity to keep all the confidential information
  • Free from conflict of interest with other related parties while doing the job.
  • Understanding SQL is a plus.

Baca Juga Lowongan Kerja lulusan S1 lainnya 

Bagi yang memiliki kualifikasi serta berminat silahkan daftarkan diri secara online melalui link berikut :

Account Security : Daftar
Trust & Safety : Daftar

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