PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM)

PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) adalah Agen Pemegang tunggal Merek Mobil Honda di Indonesia. Menjadi pemegang tunggal, PT Honda Prospect Motor merupakan satu satunya perusahaan yang berhak mengimpor, merakit dan membuat kendaraan bermerk Honda di Indonesia. Saat ini, PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) membuka lowongan kerja terbaru.
PT Honda Prospect Motor Berdiri pada Maret 1999, merupakan merger dari PT. Prospect Motor, (PT. Honda Prospect Engine, PT. Imora Honda,) dan Honda Motor, Co. Ltd. Sebagai Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merk (ATPM) sekaligus pusat perakitan mobil Honda dan komponennya di Indonesia, PT Honda Prospect Motor memegang peranan yang cukup penting dalam perkembangan industri otomotif di Indonesia. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan inovasi produk yang terus menerus dilakukan, sehingga kini Honda mampu meluncurkan produk-produk yang diperhitungkan di pasar otomotif nasional maupun internasional.
Sesuai dengan visi kami untuk menyediakan produk berkualitas tertinggi dengan harga terjangkau demi kepuasan konsumen, maka kami mengajak Anda untuk ikut berkontribusi bersama kami guna memberikan produk terbaik bagi masyarakat. Segera daftarkan diri Anda dan mulailah berkarir bersama kami.
Lowongan Kerja PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) Terbaru
Saat ini PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) sedang membuka rekrutmen lowongan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
- Make strategic plans and publicity campaigns, write, and prepare press releases for events, carry out media monitoring and analysis of media coverage, as well as build and maintaingood relations with the media.
- Bachelor of Communication
- Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta
- Ensure the guality of local parts is in line with predetermined specifications to support the production process by coordinating with suppliers.
- Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering
- Placement in Karawang, West Java
- Develop skills and product knowledge to sales consultants at each dealer by planning and conducting training, evaluating training effectiveness, as well as monitoring and developing systems or programs to support training activities.
- Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Management, Communication
- Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta
- Ensure the import process runs properly, prepare the documents, and control the administrative process following the regulations.
- Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Logistic Engineering, Management Logistic
- Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta
- Ensure the production process runs on target, analyzes, and makes continuous improvements in the working system, oversee 5S and OHS implementation in the production line according to safety regulations, manage human resources in the engine production area.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Chemical Engineering
- Work under shifting hours
- Placement in Karawang, West Java
General Qualification :
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 (scale 4.0)
- Attention to detail
- Able to work under pressure and target oriented
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Strong analytical thinking
- Have an interest in the automotive field (automobile)
- Discipline, firm and have a strong leadership
- Proficient in English (both oral & written)
- Must have valid TOEFL certification with a minimum score of 400
- Proficient in Ms. Office
- COVID 19 vaccine certificate (complete dose)
- Certificate of Good Conduct: Indonesian Police Certificates (SKCK)
- Understand about ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001
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