Pertamina Foundation

Pertamina Foundation didirikan dengan tujuan untuk lebih meningkatkan efektifitas kegiatan yang menyangkut Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan dan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap para stakeholder. Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Foundation.
Semula bernama Yayasan Kesejahteraan Pegawai Pertamina (YKPP) yang telah berdiri sejak 15 Mei 1986, kemudian pada 12 Januari 2011 berganti nama menjadi Pertamina Foundation (PF). “Pertamina Foundation hadir dengan mengusung visi menjadi yayasan modern dan terpercaya melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat yang inspiratif untuk Indonesia maju dan sejahtera.”
Menjadi yayasan modern dan terpercaya melalui lingkungan, keberlanjutan, dan tata kelola (ESG) serta pemberdayaan masyarakat yang menginspirasi untuk Indonesia maju dan sejahtera.
Guna mencapai misi yang telah digariskan, Pertamina Foundation membangun organisasi dengan lingkup tugas yang terintegrasi, yaitu Bidang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Bidang Pendidikan Tinggi, Bidang Pendidikan Khusus, dasar dan Menengah; Fungsi Aset manajemen; dan Unit Bisnis.
Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Foundation
Saat ini Pertamina Foundation memberikan kesempatan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Environmental Manager
Qualification :
- Minimum age 35 and maximum 45
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree from a reputable university majoring in environmental science, environmental engineering, biology, chemistry, environmental management, forestry management, or other natural sciences or an aligned major
- Have a strong understanding of environmental project management
- At least 7 years of work experience in planting, forestry, conservation or similar fields
- Preferably have experience as a project manager or leader and/or as a Community Facilitator
- Able to work full-time and willing to travel and work within the community
- Have no affiliation with, or be a member of, any political party
Duties and Responsibilities :
- Responsible for project management, including planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and sustainability
- Responsible for the preparation of the RKA Program and the RKA Foundation
- Responsible for developing additional donors and stakeholders for the program
- Responsible for building digital monitoring and evaluation measurement tools, including data collection, data processing, and infographics
- Responsible for preparing activity implementation reports
- Conduct mapping, monitoring, reporting, verification, and evaluation of all Environmental conservation programs
- Design and develop a model of an ecosystem development program based on community restoration and conservation
- Mapping stakeholders across Pertamina Foundation’s environmental projects and establishing communication and collaboration in project management
- Ensure compliance with environmental regulations and sustainable planting and conservation practices
- Responsible for addressing project problems with alternative solutions
- Able to develop a risk mitigation strategy for the entire project
2. Project Officer
Qualification :
- Minimum age 23 and maximum age 35
- Minimum of a bachelor’s degree from a reputable university, majoring in Community Empowerment, Social Sciences, Communication, Environmental Science, or a related field
- At least 1 year of working experience in community and environmental empowerment projects or similar fields, including social activities, planting, and conservation
- Able to work full-time and willing to travel and work within the community
- Knowledge of Community empowerment project management and International environmental Standards
- Have no affiliation with, or be a member of, any political party
Duties and Responsibilities :
- Responsible, record, and assist with all activities and events related to community and environmental empowerment projects, ensuring the achievement of Pertamina Foundation’s project standards, goals, and objectives
- Help coordinate project compliance with environmental laws and government regulations
- Responsible for any environmental sampling related to Environmental Standards and permits
- Recording and maintaining data and documentation for community empowerment projects and environmental activities
- Coordination and building collaboration with the community
- Implement the approved Community and Environmental empowerment project Management Plan
- Conduct monitoring of parameters for community and environmental empowerment projects using appropriate equipment
- Assist with assessments, project audits, and produce project reports on a regular basis
Tata Cara Melamar:
Jika tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan ini, Silahkan mendaftar secara online:
Environmental Manager |
Project Officer |
- Batas akhir pendaftaran 21 oktober 2024
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