Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Belanda
![Lowongan Kerja Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Belanda Jakarta](
Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Belanda Jakarta salah satu perwakilan negara dari kerajaan belanda di Indonesia untuk menjaga hubungan diplomatik. Kedutaan besar adalah kantor tempat duta besar berada untuk menjalankan tugasnya. Kedutaan besar dari suatu negara biasanya ada di negara lain yang memang mengakui hubungan diplomatik dengan negara tersebut. saat ini Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Belanda Jakarta sedang membuka lowongan kerja.
Definisi dari perwakilan diplomatik yaitu organisasi atau sekelompok orang yang hadir di negara lain untuk mewakili suatu negara secara resmi. Singkatnya, perwakilan diplomatik ini merupakan orang-orang yang ditunjuk dengan tujuan melakukan hubungan diplomatik.
Kedutaan besar atau embassy adalah kantor utama perwakilan negara di negara lain. Biasanya, kantor ini berada di ibu kota negara. Walaupun begitu, hal ini tidak harus. Sementara itu, pejabat yang menjadi perwakilan dari suatu negara dikenal sebagai duta besar atau disingkat sebagai dubes.
Lowongan Kerja Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Belanda di Jakarta
Saat ini Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Belanda di Jakarta membuka rekrutmen lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Management Support officer of the Cultural and Communication Department Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
a. General Information
- Position: Management Support Officer CC
- Embassy: Jakarta, Indonesia
- Salary: IDR 14.500.000 – IDR 21.750.000 (gross)
- Working Hours: 35
- Contract duration: One year, renewal is possible
b. Tasks
Main tasks and responsibilities
- Provides general administrative support to the Cultural and Communication Department
- Handles correspondence for the Department
- Keeps the agenda of the Head of Department up-to-date
- Organizes meetings and visits for the Head of department
- Taking notes of CC-meeting, Artistic Meeting and CC COM-meeting
- Maintains contacts with cultural institutions, stakeholders in the cultural field, ministries,
government agencies and keeps the contact databases up to date
- Assists in the preparation of (Dutch) cultural visits to Indonesia, such as tours of artists
Erasmus Huis (Cultural Centre)
- Provides general and financial administrative support to the Erasmus Huis
- Responsible to keep the activity overview of Erasmus Huis up-to-date
- Assists with the organization of Erasmus Huis events, such as performances, exhibitions
and/or events in the library
- First back-up when the librarian is off duty: registering new members, lending books,
maintaining digital reservation system
- Provides support in Social Media presence
- Updating the website of the embassy and Erasmus Huis frequently
- Translates text in English and Bahasa.
Results to be achieved to which the MSO contributes
- Embassy staff members and Cultural partners satisfied with services delivered
- Administrative tasks performed effectively and accurately
- Financial administration accurate and up to date
- Events held at Erasmus Huis organized successfully
- Overview of Cultural Activities up to date
Working Experience and Knowledge
- Secretarial Academy or equivalent education
- Knowledge and experience in the field of office management
- Fluency in Indonesian and good command of the English Language, both written and orally.
- Knowledge of Dutch is an advantage
- Knowledge in the field of communication and social media
- Good communication skills
- Excellent computer skills
Competencies required
- Organization skills
- Client focused, service oriented
- Flexible team player
- Writing skills
- Initiative
- Result oriented
- Integrity
c. Working Environment
- The Management Support Officer will be employed within the Cultural and Communication (CC)
- Department, part of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta. The CC Department
- consists of three expatriate staff and nine locally recruited staff members.
- The embassy is putting more and more emphasis on individual responsibility and pro-active
- behavior. He or she will collaborate regularly with staff of the other departments for political,
- economic, consular and general affairs.
- The CC Department of the Dutch embassy manages all Erasmus Huis events, cultural policy, and
- communication of the embassy and the Cultural Centre.
Description of employee
- An efficient management support officer who maintains high standards of accuracy, quality and
- timeliness. Enjoys providing the best possible support to the staff of the Cultural Department in
- general and more specifically to the Head and Deputy Head. Is able to both work independently and
- as part of a team. Has a clear interest in cultural cooperation and is flexible as to the exact
- assignments and fields covered.
Sumber Informasi bisa kalian downlod disini :
Baca Juga Lowongan Kerja untuk Lulusan S1 lainnya
Tata Cara Melamar:
Interested candidates can apply before 5 March 2022 by sending a motivation letter and a recent CV
to, attention Yolande Melsert.
Hanya kandidat yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang akan mengikuti proses selanjutnya
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