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Beranda LOKER D3 Biensi Fesyenindo (3second Group)

Biensi Fesyenindo (3second Group)

Bi-ensi Fesyenindo adalah salah satu perusahaan fashion terkemuka di Indonesia. Memiliki beberapa merk produk fashion di Indonesia yang cukup berkembang pesat di dalam bisnis fashion dan menguasai sebagian pangsa pasar produk fashion di Indonesia dengan merk 3SECOND, GREENLIGHT, MOUTLEY, FAMO dan FMC Speed Supply. Lowongan Kerja Biensi Fesyenindo (3second Group).

Bi-ensi Fesyenindo dibangun dengan kegigihan dan focus untuk memberikan kualitas dan desain-desain terbaik. Didukung oleh tim-tim yang handal dan dukungan dari para partner kerja Bi-ensi Fesyenindo diharapkan mampu untuk memberikan kesempurnaan dalam setiap merk yang dikelolanya.

CV BI-ENSI FESYENINDO (selanjutnya disebut “3Second”) adalah suatu persekutuan komanditer (CV) yang salah satu jenis usahanya bergerak di bidang jasa portal web. 3Second dalam hal ini menyediakan Platform perdagangan elektronik (e-commerce) di mana Pengguna dapat melakukan transaksi pembelian barang dan menggunakan berbagai fitur serta layanan yang tersedia.

Lowongan Kerja Biensi Fesyenindo (3second Group)

Saat ini Biensi Fesyenindo (3second Group) memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Digital Marketing – Ads Specialist

General Requirements :

  • Diploma/Bachelor degree in related field
  • Have experience in Fashion Retail industry & Garment Industry
  • Result-driven, creative, and comfortable working with a tight deadline
  • Minimum of 2 years experiences in the same positions
  • Placement : Bandung Timur, Gedebage

2. Admin Marketplace

General Requirements :

  • Diploma/Bachelor degree in related field
  • Have experience in Fashion Retail industry & Garment Industry
  • Result-driven, creative, and comfortable working with a tight deadline
  • Minimum of 2 years experiences in the same positions
  • Placement : Bandung Timur, Gedebage

3. Customer Service Marketplace

General Requirements :

  • Diploma/Bachelor degree in related field
  • Have experience in Fashion Retail industry & Garment Industry
  • Result-driven, creative, and comfortable working with a tight deadline
  • Minimum of 2 years experiences in the same positions
  • Placement : Bandung Timur, Gedebage

4. Fashion Designer

General Requirements :

  • Diploma/Bachelor degree in related field
  • Have experience in Fashion Retail industry & Garment Industry
  • Result-driven, creative, and comfortable working with a tight deadline
  • Minimum of 2 years experiences in the same positions
  • Placement : Bandung Timur, Gedebage

5. Admin Merchandiser Garment

General Requirements :

  • Diploma/Bachelor degree in related field
  • Have experience in Fashion Retail industry & Garment Industry
  • Result-driven, creative, and comfortable working with a tight deadline
  • Minimum of 2 years experiences in the same positions
  • Placement : Bandung Timur, Gedebage

6. Staff Transportasi

General Requirements :

  • Diploma/Bachelor degree in related field
  • Have experience in Fashion Retail industry & Garment Industry
  • Minimum of 2 years experiences in the same positions
  • Placement : Bandung Timur, Gedebage

7. Host Live Streaming

General Requirements :

  • Have experience in Fashion Retail industry & Garment Industry
  • Minimum of 2 years experiences in the same positions
  • Placement : Bandung Timur, Gedebage

Tata cara Melamar:

If you’re interested to apply, please send your CV & Portofolio to :

E-mail : recruitmentbiensi@gmail.com

Subject : “Name_Positions”

  • Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.

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